

What is Integrated Pest Management?

Integrated pest management (IPM), also known as Integrated Pest Control (IPC) is a broad-based approach that integrates practices for economic control of pests. IPM aims to suppress pest populations below the economic injury level (EIL). Noxious and invasive weed control is everyone’s concern because they can occur across all land ownerships. IPM is a process Mel’s Outdoor Services uses to solve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment.

Noxious & Invasive Weeds:

Noxious and invasive weeds compete with crops; poison or injure livestock, wildlife and people; reduce forage for wildlife and livestock; create fire hazards; and reduce recreation enjoyment because of thorns, allergies or unsightliness. Noxious and invasive weeds destroy the beauty and natural habitat of Arizona wherever and whenever they occur.

To control noxious and invasive weed infestations, we implement a noxious weed management program which focuses on:

  1. Preventing introduction of new noxious and invasive weeds
  2. Early detection of noxious weed infestations
  3. Conducting early treatment of new infestations
  4. Containing and controlling established infestations at times and places that make them most effective and efficient

Reactions to Toxic Plants (for livestock & pets)


  • Salivation
    Thistles, foxtail barley, prickly pear cactus/cholla, and cockle burrs. All of these types of plants can cause excessive salivation due to traumatic, chemical, or infectious injury to the mouth or esophageal choke. Any plant that has thorns, bristles, or stinging hairs can cause similar symptoms


  • Colic and diarrhea
    Oleander, greasewood, gambel or shinnery oak, laurels, azaleas, privets, buttercup, castor beans and rosary peas, nightshade and potato, mesquite, avocado, and tomato


  • Photodermatitis/sun poisioning
    St. John’s wort, buckwheat, and bishop’s weed


  • Neurologic disease
    Sagebrush, locoweed, milkvetch, yellow star thistle, bracken fern, horsetail or snake grass, burrow weed, jimmy weed or rayless goldenrod, Johnson grass, and sudan grass


  • Cyanide/sudden death
    Johnson grass, sudan grass, milkweed, oleander and yellow oleander, lily of the valley, larkspur, poison hemlock, water hemlock, yew, and avocado (not Mexican smooth skin fruit variety)

Weed Control Reduces Fire Risk


Keeping weeds down around your home will create a a safe fire barrier around your home. Hire a licensed weed control professional to keep your home safe, especially during the high fire-risk months.